Bird Boy

You all seemed to enjoy the hint of owl in this post, so here’s another bird related tattoo on a rather handsome chap!

Clickthrough for another shot!

I asked him if they held any particular significance and this is what he cooed/hooted/tweeted back to me..

Each of the birds has a particular significance (Roo: Yeah ok, I stole those two words and pasted them above) to me. I chose a flock of completely different birds because they are each beautiful and unique like the convictions they stand for..

Clockwise: Peacock – Vanity. Duck Hunt – Appreciation for a digital lifestyle. Hummingbirds – Fitness, Toucan – Deforestation and environmentalism. Owl – Knowledge. Cardinal – Family. Ravens – Appreciation for literature. Bird from “Berenstain Bears and the Truth – Honesty, and finally the Condor (center) – Stability (plus it tied everything together nicely!).

Photos by Bobby Anderson and ornithological tattooing by Jason Vaughn, Deluxe Tattoo, Chicago.

55 thoughts on “Bird Boy

  1. awww, doesnt he look so happy?
    i really like the design. i havent seen a lot of tats which include lots different types of birds.but it looks really nice.

  2. That looks like it was given a bit of suprize buttsecks on behalf of the condor… Love that duck hunt is in there.

  3. i fucking love this. i have several bird tattoos myself and am really into this piece a lot. plus hes super cute.

  4. Wonderful chest piece and the significance of each bird is really interesting. Does anyone know anything about those patches of houndstooth/dogstooth peaking over his shoulders?

  5. the shoulder work struck me as mc escher’s angels and demons… I could be wrong though

  6. absolutely love this! jason vaughn does some great tattoos. does anyone know who did the heart on his arm?

  7. Awesome. He is pretty much my man twin. (I only wish I was cool enough for beard)

  8. This tattoo fucking rocks my world!

    But one question: What is with the purple bird beside the Peacock (someone mentioned it being the bird of truth from Berenstain Bears) and the black bird under it?
    Do they have significance too?

  9. His expression in the first picture is adorable and his chest piece is ridiculous.

  10. I really really like that chestpiece. He is so very cool. I love well done animal/nature tattoos.

  11. dull- i think the shoulder tats are just a hounds tooth pattern. I was looking at that my self, and really would like to see what the back looks like. Hounds tooth is badass.

  12. that is just absolutley drop dead gorgeous!!! i’m in love.

    the duck hunt is just AWESOME, and i love his explanation for the tattoo, very creative and sentimental!

  13. He looks like the guy version of IAM esotericus. It’s.. weird. Maybe it’s just the face he’s making. She makes faces like that too, and he looks pretty happy and when she makes faces like that she’s pretty happy too.

  14. Molly: I recognised the Berenstein Bears bird straight away too, and let out a big “YAY” : )
    The whole piece is gorgeous…. and the Berenstein Bears bird just made me soooo happy!!! : )

  15. I’d like to see his houndstooth-looking back, but I love the birds and how they all haev a significance. cute!

  16. #19 – tim biedron did the heart and tree on his arm, both of which are beyond gorgeous.

  17. I thought the berenstein bears bird was from pokemon at first and got all excited. Not that it’s not still cool…but Pokemon!

    He’s really adorbskies, need to have him all for myself! Awwwwwww.

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