Cervical Piercing… Wow…

So I’m thinking to myself, ok, this eyeball tattooing stuff is the craziest stuff I’m going to post in a while. I wasn’t even going to post any more tonight, and then I see this piercing come across our desktops and I’m just blown away…


Definitely one of the wildest things I’ve seen quite in a while. All I can say right now is, wow, I’m really surprised to see this, and it takes a fair amount to surprise me! This was done, DIY, all by touch, by Ashley Crawford at Custom Art in Norwich, England, using a 2mm x 12mm (ie. 1/2″ 12ga) titanium curved barbell.

Click to zoom:

I’m guessing that the body’s pretty resilient to damage to the cervix and this will probably heal fairly quickly — hopefully Ashley will keep us updated on how it goes. Cervix piercing… Just when you think everything that can be pierced has already been pierced!

Edit/Update #1: From the comments, our resident doctor writes, “Technically difficult but fairly low risk. Probably healed crazy fast too. The cervix is remarkably resilient and can take a lot of abuse. Being very mucosa, it’s a fast healer.”

Edit/Update #2: Click here to read more about it on Ashley’s LJ page (here’s her original entry).

Edit/Update #3: Click here for a long interview on the subject of these piercings as well as the post-gender experience! Highly recommended reading.

This… is… SPARTA!

Sorry about my absence. I’m back, it seems, and there’s plenty of good stuff scheduled starting tomorrow morning, but until then, please enjoy an evening of tattoo shots from Russia. Now let’s begin…

Oh my god I love this backpiece of some insane snow-man war! It’s only one of a big pile of great photos of great tattoos taken by my old friend tan0k (and a big thank you for helping me get things started again here) at this year’s St. Petersburg Tattoo Convention (click that to see more of BME’s coverage, or visit the official site). I’ll be posting some more of my favorites over the evening but check the gallery for more (note: it’s uploading now, so it might not be there until morning).

More great tattoos from St. Petersburg (6/7)

It’s not the best quality work at the convention on a technical level, but his knuckle tattoos (these links are zoom-ins) are great, and assuming it’s intentional I like that big brutal forehead cross scar quite a lot (one of the first facial scars I remember seeing was Glen Benton‘s inverted cross on his forehead).

(Thanks again to tan0k for all the pictures from the St. Petersburg Tattoo Convention)

Black Toe Brotherhood

Anders has his toe blackened by Swirly at Dragon’s Lair Tattoo, Brisbane.

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